缓冲overlow导致崩溃的序列。工具只模型(gc运行良好)。它也发生在一个同事整个建筑仪器,它似乎没有乐器的年龄,或软件使用,这是一个全球大气环流模型。缓冲区溢出错误本身显示在GC上的软件和控制面板。问题是间歇性的。有些序列运行很好,在第一次样品。大多数时候4-6am大约6样本之间的溢出。但不是一个精确的时候像一个计划任务的干扰。我们的,我们的服务公司都说他们没有什么错。没有IP冲突、没有网络中断,乐器或电脑没有什么毛病。 I'm at a loss. The start of this did occur after a tropical storm caused a power outage, but I wouldn't think the network card would fail *sometimes*. We didn't install any updates or change configurations recently, and it was working fine previously. I'm thinking of trying a system restore, but would like to avoid it. Any thoughts?